Special Awards
2022 QuiltFest

"Ruffled" by Linda Roy

"Twilight Garden" by Donna Schalge

"Jingle Bells" by Antonia Hering

"Memories from Hotel Fahey" by Ruth Ohol

"Not Your Grandmother's Flower Garden" by Sharon Sweetland

"Audobon's Christmas" by Jackie DeRock

"Oh for the Love of Circles" by Mary Wieser

"Morris Better" by Christine Wickert

Gladys Reid Holton Award
"Boutis Beauté"
by Christine Wickert
Professionally Judged Quilts

"Medallion Soyeux" by Christine Wickert

"Colorful Colorado Medallian"_ by Sharon Engel

"Zen Garden" by Jackie DeRock

"First Christmas" by Eileen O'Rourke

'Happy Together" by Sharon Clark

"Le Vie est Belle" by Jeanita Lapa

"Tulip Applique" by Kathy Venne

"Feathered Goose" by Jeanita Lapa

"Third Times a Charm" by Ruth Ohol

"Cappuccino Delight" by Ruth Ohol

"Flower Garden" by Sandra Bradt

"A Piece of Provence" by Ruth Ohol

"Take a Walk of the Mild Side" by Barbara Behrmann

"Picasso-ish" by Ina Randall

"Beth's New York Beauty" by Jessie Drew-Cates

''Stars Galore" by Pamela Birchenough

"The Musicians" by Leann Hileman

"Primal Beat" by Jill Doscher

"Missouri Barn" by Leann Hileman

"Still standing in Clearwater Idaho" by Karen Sienk

"Betsy's Blancket" by Christine Wickert

"Train to Nowhere" by Cheryl See

"Moving with the Seasons" by Lydia Middaugh

"A Quilt celebrating the Wedding of Julie Richards and Daniel Dain" by Cynthia Richards

"Seminole" Wholecloth_ by Caris Burton

"Planned Improv" by Mary Jane Frind

"Spinning Away" by Sue Donovan

"Not Quite There" by Sandra Bradt
GVQC Member Judged Quilts

"Saturday's Child" by Jeanne Grinnan

"The Matriarchs" by Jean McCreary

"Blue Giraffe" by Jean McCreary

"Blue and Yellow Macaw" by Jean McCreary

"Flockosophy" by Marianna Zimmer

"Crazy Sunset Landscape" by Marcia Birken

"A Day in Vermont" by Terri McDonald

"Journey into the Unknown" by Patricia Williams

"Criss Cross Cultures" by Margaret Miyake

"Summer Crazy Quilt" by Cindy RenaldoJPG

"Women of the Bible" by Ellen Burlew

"Plan B" by Marianna Zimmer

"Our Song, Your Reflection" by Audrey Pantas

"Conestoga Crossing" by Deborah Lambert

"Tropical Paradise" by Carol Manning

"Bzzzz" by Audrey Pantas

"Southwest-NY Beauty" by Faye Thompson

"Autumn Leaves" by Marianna Zimmer

"Joy" by Jean Lemmon

"Blue and White Again" by Beth Kelly

"Romance" by Amy Lippitt

"Sole" by Beth Brewer

"One Leaf" by Lesile DelPopolo

"Flight Dreams" by Joan Robertson